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Snow Theme

December 5, 2022

We're releasing a limited time snow theme for the holidays. It's free for everyone to use. We've also changed how Instagram videos work, they now will open in the native Instagram app when played. We've also fixed a few bugs and made some performance improvements.

What's New

  • An error will now be shown when sending a password email reset fails.
  • Fixed an issue where the same Twitter account could be connected multiple times to same profile.
  • Fixed an issue causing analytics to not display properly in some timezones.
  • Fixed an issue causing popup notifiactions to be behind popup dialogs.
  • Added the ability to select a specific avatar from a connected account.
  • Fixed an issue causing Instagram video thumbnails to not display on Safari.
  • Instagram videos will now open in the native Instagram app.
  • Added a limited time snow theme
If you'd like to report issues or provide feedback, you can contact the development team here or join our official Discord. Thank you so much for helping us improve OneProfile.