
Want to see what's next? Check out our roadmap.

Promotion Codes

January 28, 2023

We've added promotion codes! We will be running various promotions in the future, and you can use promotion codes to get discounts on your subscription. Twitter is now out of beta, and we've made some other improvements.

What's New

  • Each user will have a random color assigned to their default profile picture.
  • Fixed an issue causing adding a payment method to sometimes be hidden.
  • Improved overall stability and performance.
  • Added promotional codes.
  • Added a roadmap page.
  • Improved loading performance of changelog page.
  • Fixed an issue causing retweets to not display attachments.
  • Videos will now be shown in Twitter embeds.
  • Moved Twitter out of beta.
  • Improved onboarding page.
  • If no profile picture is selected, your YouTube profile picture will be used if connected.
If you'd like to report issues or provide feedback, you can contact the development team here. Thank you so much for helping us improve OneProfile.

We've made some improvements to the reliability of custom profile pictures.

What's New

  • Improved the reliability of uploading custom profile pictures.
  • Increased the maximum size of custom profile pictures to 3MB.
If you'd like to report issues or provide feedback, you can contact the development team here. Thank you so much for helping us improve OneProfile.

Snow Theme Improvements

December 14, 2022

We've made some improvements to the snow theme. We've also fixed a few bugs and made some other minor improvements.

What's New

  • Improved the appearance of social icons in some locations.
  • An email will now be sent whenever you change your password.
  • Fixed an issue where the beta label on Twitter embeds would not display properly on Safari.
  • Improved performance of the snow theme on non-Safari browsers.
If you'd like to report issues or provide feedback, you can contact the development team here. Thank you so much for helping us improve OneProfile.

Snow Theme

December 5, 2022

We're releasing a limited time snow theme for the holidays. It's free for everyone to use. We've also changed how Instagram videos work, they now will open in the native Instagram app when played. We've also fixed a few bugs and made some performance improvements.

What's New

  • An error will now be shown when sending a password email reset fails.
  • Fixed an issue where the same Twitter account could be connected multiple times to same profile.
  • Fixed an issue causing analytics to not display properly in some timezones.
  • Fixed an issue causing popup notifiactions to be behind popup dialogs.
  • Added the ability to select a specific avatar from a connected account.
  • Fixed an issue causing Instagram video thumbnails to not display on Safari.
  • Instagram videos will now open in the native Instagram app.
  • Added a limited time snow theme
If you'd like to report issues or provide feedback, you can contact the development team here. Thank you so much for helping us improve OneProfile.

Twitter Linking in Public Beta

November 18, 2022

We're excited to release Twitter account linking as a public beta! You can opt-in by going to the 'Feature Preview' tab on your account dashboard. As always we've made performance improvements and bug fixes.

What's New

  • Added linking Twitter accounts.
  • Fixed an issue causing YouTube Shorts profile links to not work.
  • Added accessibility labels to some areas.
  • Added account profile pictures to YouTube and Twitter account dropdowns.
  • Added a progress bar when navigating to a page that takes longer to load.
  • Improved the loading speed of analytics when loading 1,000 data points or less.
  • Fixed an issue where analytics would be incomplete when loading more than 1,000 data points.
  • Improved compatibility with some browser extensions.
  • Improved homepage.
  • Fixed an issue causing chart tooltips to not load more than 24 days.
If you'd like to report issues or provide feedback, you can contact the development team here. Thank you so much for helping us improve OneProfile.